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Colossians 3:17
Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father.
What do I wear to worship?Wear what you are comfortable in. You can expect to see coats, ties, and dresses, as well as blue jeans, khakis, and casual wear. Come as you are — we will love you unconditionally!
Can children attend worship services?Children are always welcome in worship at Heritage. Childcare is provided for infants to age three in our nursery located on the main floor of the education building (go through the door at the left front of the sanctuary and down the hallway on your left). There are “Busy bags” filled with children’s activities in the narthex for any child who would like one. Following Backpack Time during the service, children ages 3-9 are invited to attend Children’s Church in room #208 in the same hallway as the nursery.
How do I read the bulletin?We don’t hand out bulletins. All our information is on the screens in the front of the Sanctuary. A general order of worship is available in each pew.
What worship style should I expect?Heritage combines two styles of worship into one service for a more relaxed atmosphere. Music includes contemporary Christian, praise, and updated hymns. Our service also includes United Methodist traditions including choral anthems, handbells, and orchestra. It is a great way to worship, and includes everyone!
What kind of music will I experience at each service?Heritage includes eclectic voice and instrument as part of our praise to God. Hymns and anthems are selected each week to fit scripture texts and the message. We draw upon our rich heritage of traditional hymns as well as more-contemporary songs heard on Christian radio stations. Our Discovery Band encourages congregational interaction!
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